HCRT CEO Coffee Series

coffee with joe colopy, CEO of Colopy ventures and primordial ventures


April 25th @ 8:15am:  We are excited to present this year's CEO Coffee Series! 

Join us for this special program as HCRT Board Member Grace Ueng (HBS MBA ’91) hosts a breakfast chat with local tech leader, Joe Colopy AB, 93 and past board member of HCRT, CEO/Cofounder of Bronto acquired for $200M, now CEO of Colopy Ventures & Primordial Ventures, Godfather of GrepBeat, GP of Jurassic Capital. With a heart for philanthropy around entrepreneurship in the Triangle/Durham where he lives, his family has endowed a Director of Entrepreneurship position at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics 



 What: HCRT CEO Coffee Series 
Who:  Grace Ueng, HBS '91, will interview Joe Colopy and moderate a Q&A session.
When: Thursday, April 25th. 8:15am - 9:30am  Join us @ 8:15am for breakfast and mingling.  Discussion led by Grace Ueng with Joe Colopy @ 8:30.
Tickets:  Advance purchase (includes coffee and light breakfast): $15 Member, $25 Non-Member. If available, day of registration: $35.    
Location:  The Frontier at 800 Park Office Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC
Recorded Video for this event is available below:
A related article for the event was also published in the WRAL Techwire