Book Club/Writer's Group Meeting
September 26th at 7 pm. Location TBD: contact
The vision for the group is to create an ongoing series of meetings where club members who are published or aspiring authors, writers and poets can discuss their current projects with other members and receive helpful feedback. That feedback will not only include the reading and sharing of works in progress, but also specific help, encouragement and suggestions on navigating the world of publishing, from members who have experience in that area. Guest speakers and other literary activities and discussions will also be part of the program from time to time. In our next meeting we will solicit feedback from interested members on what they would like to see occur in the meetings going forward, and what activities would be most useful to them. If you plan on coming (or just need more information) please contact David Snyder at and he will notify you of the meeting location after that has been solidified. Also, if you would like members to read some of your work before the meeting in June, please email David with that request and he will send you a link to the group’s Dropbox folder after May 5. A subfolder with your name will be created for the reading pleasure of your book club friends. For more information please contact David Snyder at Call David with any questions at 919-920-0551