Other Events: Wharton Alumni Club Brewery Tour Wed, Jan 20, 6-8:30 pm
Please join the Wharton Alumni Club of the Triangle for a multi-club Brewery Tour/Tasting/Networking event on Wednesday, January 20th from 6-8:30 pm at the Lonerider Brewery in Raleigh:
The Hideout at Lonerider Brewery
8816 Gulf Court, Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27617
The Brewery conducts a tour which begins at 6:45 PM (and costs $3.00), and afterwards we will be able to meet and engage in conversation. We also have the option to do samplings, which would cost $6.00 / person, and would include 4 beers with 5 oz. pours each.
Please RSVP to Steve Strickman by January 14th at the address below if you think you can make it:
For more information on Lonerider, you can visit their website: